Your grandmother may have told you not to get married until you could talk about money—and if you followed her advice, you were probably better prepared to take the leap than most. Money is one of the most sensitive subjects a couple can broach, and it’s the cause of a whole host of problems during marriage. In fact, it’s often the catalyst that pushes people to the front door of a Toronto divorce lawyer’s office. Did you discuss money before tying the knot?
“I Do… Want to Talk about Money with You, That Is”
People who put everything on the table before making a permanent commitment are more likely to stay together for the long haul. Discussing financial goals, retirement and current income ahead of time can pave the way for marital success.
Financial Baggage: It’s Too Heavy to Carry Alone
Even people with low amounts of personal debt—a personal credit card, for example—should share that information with their soon-to-be spouses. Holding it back compounds the problem and can make a spouse feel like they’ve been lied to; that foundation of distrust can spiral out of control until one or both parties are discussing spousal support with a Toronto divorce lawyer.
Estate Planning is Tough if You Can’t Even Say “Savings”
Not everyone discusses finances before they’re married, but it’s pretty hard to start once you’re a few years (or more) into the marriage. Since all couples need to worry about estate planning, the process is generally easier if you established the groundwork by talking about finances while you were still dating.
We Don’t Discuss Money—Are We Headed for Divorce?
It’s never too late to start discussing money. Although you may feel awkward bringing it up, each of you deserves the right to know where your money comes from (and where it disappears to at the end of the day). If you can’t seem to broach the subject, you’re not necessarily doomed to divorce.
Talking to a financial planner together makes a great icebreaker—and even if that doesn’t pan out, at least you’ve opened the lines of communication between you and your spouse.