During or after a divorce, co-parenting can be tough. It’s hard to keep both parents on the same page when it comes to kids’ schedules, healthcare and mutual decision-making, and that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Your Toronto divorce lawyer may suggest that you and your ex create a parenting plan that will help you and your ex parent together. After all, that is what’s best for the kids.
Avoiding Future Conflict with a Parenting Plan
With a parenting plan in place, it’s much easier for you and your ex to effectively co-parent your kids. You’ll be able to head off conflict before it starts because you already know who’s responsible for what. A very detailed parenting plan could go a step further than a custody agreement to detail exact times and places kids will be exchanged or outline how much contact will exist between relatives and significant others.
Asking Your Toronto Divorce Lawyer for Input
If you are not sure what to include in your parenting plan, ask your Toronto divorce lawyer. He or she has valuable experience from past clients that you can rely on. Some people include things like:
- Dietary restrictions or preferences
- Child support details
- Choice of schools and access to school records
- Tax and Will information
- Vacations and school breaks
- Mutual decision-making processes
Your Toronto divorce lawyer can help you identify areas that deserve special attention in your case. It’s a good idea to ask your ex for input, if possible, to ensure that you are creating a parenting plan that works for every member of the family.
If Your Ex Won’t Cooperate
Let’s face it: not all exes are cooperative. If you have created a parenting plan and your ex won’t do the right thing, let your Toronto divorce lawyer know. Your lawyer can help you resolve the issues you are facing through the court system, if necessary.