If you asked ten formerly married people how to behave during the divorce process, you’d probably get ten different answers. You might find a handful who believe it’s okay to be sneaky and underhanded during a divorce; likewise, you’d probably discover that others suggest finding a Toronto divorce lawyer who insists upon openness and fairness because that meets their values.
During your divorce, your spouse might be the type who feels like he or she needs to do what it takes to “win,” even though divorce isn’t a competition. Although it can be downright scary when your spouse fights dirty, remember that your Toronto divorce lawyer is there to protect you from the fallout under the umbrella of the law.
Dirty Divorce Tricks People Play
Sometimes people stash money, destroy a soon-to-be ex’s belongings, or drain a spouse’s bank account. Your spouse might snoop in your social media and email accounts, attempt to sway your children to their side during the divorce or spread nasty rumors about you that aren’t true.
People have been known to move to more “divorce-friendly” locations or even out of the country in order to come out on top when it comes to spousal support and child custody. (If you suspect your marriage is ending and your spouse is encouraging you to move the entire family, contact a Toronto divorce lawyer right away; you may need to refuse to move in order to protect your rights.)
Keeping Your Cool
When your spouse is pulling underhanded tricks during divorce, it’s often tempting to retaliate. But don’t start cooking up your revenge just yet—you can’t afford to sink to his or her level. Your Toronto divorce lawyer will likely advise you to steer clear of destructive behaviours that can potentially harm your case.
It’s not all bad news, though. If your spouse plays dirty divorce tricks on you, your lawyer can help cut through the games and ensure you reach a fair settlement. There’s absolutely no need to play dirty divorce tricks; in fact, it’s generally a waste of your spouse’s time.
When to Call Your Toronto Divorce Lawyer
If you find out your spouse is up to no good, let your Toronto divorce lawyer know immediately. He or she can’t do anything to help you unless you bring the issue to light. Whether you suspect your spouse is tucking money into a secret account, spying on you or trying to steer your children in the wrong direction, call your lawyer and ask for help.