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Aurora Family Law Lawyers

Divorce or legal separation is a challenging, stressful, and typically emotionally draining process. You undoubtedly have a lot of concerns regarding your legal rights if you’re going through a divorce or similar family law case. 

What will happen to your marital estate? Will a protective order be required? What factors do courts examine when deciding on child custody and visitation rights? You deserve completely tailored legal advice from a top family law expert during this time. 

Our Aurora divorce lawyer will:

  • Perform a free, complete evaluation of your case.
  • Listen to your narrative and understand your specific situation.
  • Answer your questions and explain your legal rights.
  • Take action to assist you in getting the best possible results.

We work hard to ensure that our clients’ inquiries are swiftly and adequately answered and that they receive comprehensive legal guidance. At the same time, our lawyers go through the process of dissolving a marriage or dealing with significant family matters. We are dedicated to assisting our clients in resolving their family law disputes in a low-conflict manner.

Family Law Lawyers in Aurora

Most Canadians are concerned with family law because it affects interactions between spouses, parents, and their children. Marriage and divorce are governed by federal law, while most other matters, such as adoption and marital property disputes, are governed by provincial laws that can vary greatly. 

Traditional family structures have shifted dramatically over time, with an increase in same-sex and common-law relationships, as well as rising divorce rates. This has sparked heated arguments about the future of family law, as well as legal challenges and provincial legislative assessments.

Our Practice Areas Under Family Law

Below is a list of the different areas of family law that we provide services for:

  • Adoption – A procedure in which a person takes over the parenting of another person, usually a kid, from the biological or legal parent or parents of that person.
  • Alternative Dispute Resolution – Various ways in which parties might resolve disagreements with assistance from a third party.
  • Business Owners and Entrepreneurs – When one or both partners in a relationship own their own business, are self-employed or are entrepreneurs, there are several unique factors in family law.
  • Child Custody and Access – The legal rights of a parent or guardian to make decisions for a child’s health, education, and religion, as well as the amount of time each parent or guardian spends with the kid.
  • Child Support – Child support and other special expenses are paid to the custodial parent according to a legal formula that incorporates both parents’ incomes and expenses.
  • Cohabitation Agreements – Contracts for unmarried, cohabiting couples that spell down exactly what rights and responsibilities they each have because of the relationship.
  • Collaborative Family Law – A collaborative technique to address legal challenges in which both spouses hire a trained family lawyer in Aurora to work through several four-way sessions to reach a mutually acceptable Separation Agreement.
  • Division of Property – When a couple decides to dissolve their partnership, they’re legally entitled to a distribution of the assets they’ve accumulated together throughout their time together.
  • Divorce – Divorces have severe repercussions for issues like matrimonial asset ownership or being able to remain on your partner’s medical plan, as well as other work benefits.
  • Divorce and Social Media – Social media may be a labyrinth of possible legal concerns for anybody going through divorce or separation.
  • Domestic Violence – You can ask the court to award you exclusive ownership of the marital home if your partner is violent.
  • Estate Planning – Drafting a will, as well as a power of attorney.
  • Father’s Rights – The rights that enable dads to participate in family planning and child-rearing. 
  • Independent Legal Advice – Retaining an attorney who will represent your interests.
  • Inheritances – Is it possible to safeguard your inheritance and have access to your spouse’s inheritance?  
  • Mediation – A different approach to handling the difficulties that arise following a marriage breakup. 
  • Narcissistic Exes – Narcissistic personality types may make a divorce more difficult; let your attorney assist you in making the best and least emotional judgments possible.
  • Power of Attorney – A crucial estate planning tool that can guarantee that your wealth and health are safeguarded in the event that you become unable to make key decisions.
  • Prenuptial Agreements – A consensual contract between two people who are already or will be married that specifies how certain issues will be handled if the marriage fails.
  • Procedural Fairness – In court, lawyers and judges might make suggestions or conclusions based on outmoded preconceptions.
  • Same-Sex Divorce – Same-sex divorces are more complicated than other divorces due to the laws differences in Canada versus other countries. 
  • Separation – When a couple lives apart despite the fact that they’re still legally married.
  • Spousal Support – The amount of monetary support one spouse must give the other after they separate.
  • Succession Planning – A strategy for ensuring that your company continues to operate in cases of an accident, retirement, long-term sickness, or death.
  • The Matrimonial Home – The greatest asset you and your spouse possess together usually elicits strong emotional responses.
  • Variations – Following the finalization of a separation or divorce, revisiting and amending the terms of any agreement may be necessary.
  • Wills – Make a detailed plan for how your assets will be dispersed after your death.

Why Choose Lisa Gelman and Associates?

Here are some of the reasons to choose Lisa Gelman and Associates as your Aurora family lawyer

Experienced and Knowledgeable Lawyers

Top Choice Awards named us as Toronto’s Top Family Law Firm for the second year in a row in 2018, in recognition of our services’ value and quality, as well as our professionalism. We also won the Consumer Choice Award for the second year in a row in 2017. This award honors our outstanding customer service and business acumen. 

Our Aurora divorce lawyer has been asked to impart experience in media, including Newstalk 1010, Global TV, CHCH television, and Her Magazine, in addition to being endorsed by the Toronto Police Widow and Orphans Fund. Check out the feature article on our firm in the Checkout My Business Magazine to learn more about our expertise.

Exceptional Customer Service

From the minute you contact to schedule your consultation, Gelman & Associates is committed to providing exceptional customer service. We realize how perplexing and even daunting it may be to navigate the waters of Ontario family law. Through regular lawyer-client communication and educational resources regarding family law, our goal is to empower you to make educated decisions. 

Our phone lines are available Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. in order to be accessible to clients and potential clients. We provide our clients a complimentary consultation with a psychiatric professional, if needed, to support their emotional well-being through this trying time. 

During their initial appointment, all potential clients are provided a full family law kit. The kit includes abundant tools to help them understand and navigate the separation and divorce process, in addition to our extensive web-based resources.

Diversity of the Firm

Our firm comprises a diverse group of female and male divorce lawyers in Aurora from various ethnicities and backgrounds. Our offices’ varied nature allows us to better address our client’s particular demands. Our attorneys are multilingual, speaking Serbian, Farsi, Hebrew, French, Russian, Portuguese, Tagalog, and Romanian, among other languages. 

We’ll often put up a team of lawyers and law clerks to tackle your family law issues. This ensures that your case is handled with the highest level of care and in the most cost-effective manner possible.

Common Terms in Family Law

Common-law Relationship A legally recognized marriage that isn’t formally registered with a state or church registry but instead by custom and reputation.
Custody When an individual lives with you and you’re accountable for their well-being.
Family Responsibility Office (FRO) An Ontario government agency tasked with collecting, distributing, and enforcing child and support payments.


Pro Tip: Aurora Family Law Lawyers

Before signing any document, be sure to get legal advice first.


Still Looking for Answers About Aurora Family Law?

If you live in Aurora and still have questions regarding family law, you should seek the advice of a reputable Aurora family law attorney who can answer all of your concerns. Gelman and Associates is an excellent choice since we have a team of skilled lawyers that have handled family law cases for years. Contact Gelman and Associates right now! You can reach us by calling 844-769-0737.

FAQs About Aurora Family Law

FAQ: Aurora Family Law Lawyers

In cases involving child support, you must typically serve and file financial disclosure. Financial disclosure is providing facts about your finances to the opposing party and the court, including your income, spending, assets such as property and other valuables, as well as debts.

When a court grants one spouse the right to remain in or return to the house while the other is barred from entering, the order will generally state that the children are welcome on the premises.

Lawyers present evidence by calling witnesses who they question as the direct examination.

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