During or after a divorce may be a difficult time in your life but keeping active or starting an exercise routine will really help relieve some of that worry and tension.
Exercises such as walking, running, cycling and swimming improve the respiratory system (your heart and lungs) by increasing the amount of oxygen that is inhaled and distributed to tissues of the body. It increases the feeling of wellbeing, can help alleviate fatigue, and helps stabilize sleeping patterns. Doing exercise outside is mood boosting too.
The Canadian Physical Activity guidelines for adults 18-64years suggest that you should accumulate at least 150 minutes of moderate (sweating, breathing a little harder) to vigorous intensity of aerobic physical activity per week. More physical activity provides greater benefits so try adding strength training to your cardio respiratory workouts. As well children and youth need 60 accumulated minutes of vigorous activity per day too. Try going on a bike ride with your children, or take them swimming at a local pool. It’s fun, and stress busting.
Look into Yoga or Pilates weekly. These exercise classes are excellent for working on breathing and ways to relax. They are very beneficial to relieve stress, and clear your mind while invigorating your body.
Make sure that you get adequate amounts of sleep. It will help you function better but will also allow for your muscles to recover from all your activities.
While it may seem like a significant commitment of time and effort to exercise and maintain a healthy lifestyle while you work through a Divorce, it’s vitally important to help you maintain balance, energy and optimism as you move forward with your new life.
[su_heading style=”default” size=”13″ align=”left” margin=”20″ class=””]Andrea Gilbert-Clark is an ACE Personal Trainer, CanFitPro Fitness Instructor serving the Greater Toronto Area. You can contact Andrea via email at: agcfitness@hotmail.com or visit her website at http://agcfitness.webs.com/ [/su_heading]