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Please read these terms and conditions of use (“Terms and Conditions”) carefully as they set out the legal terms that govern the use of this Website (referred to as either “Website” or “Site”) provided by Gelman & Associates (referred to as either “the Firm”, “We”, “Us” or “Our”) and applies to all Users (referred to as either “You”, “Visitor” or “User”). By accessing and/or using this Website, You indicate Your acceptance of, and agreement to be bound by, these Terms and Conditions. If You do not accept the Terms and Conditions, please do not access or use this Website.

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Entire Agreement and Governing Law

This agreement shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the Province of Ontario and constitutes the entire agreement between You and the Firm with respect to this Website and it supersedes all prior agreements with respect thereto.

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From the Blog

Latest posts from the Gelman & Associates blog


Spousal Support Changes: When & How to Modify Support Orders in Ontario

Spousal support can have a large impact on your finances after you and your partner part ways. Spousal support is money paid by one spouse to another spouse after they separate or divorce. This payment is separate from any child support payment that may be required. The amount of money to be paid, and by …

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Dealing With Out-of-Province or Out-of-Country Assets in Divorce

When you get a divorce in Ontario, you and your spouse must go through the process of equalizing your net family property (NFP) according to the Family Law Act. Net family property represents the difference between each spouse’s total assets and liabilities accumulated during the marriage, excluding certain exemptions. Assets considered in this calculation may …

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The Pros and Cons of “Bird’s Nest” Parenting Time Arrangements

When parents separate or divorce, they normally begin living apart while children move back and forth between their new homes. But what if you want your children to continue living in one family home while you and your former partner switch out? This arrangement is called “bird’s nest parenting”, and has been a growing trend …

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100 King Street West • Suite #5600 • Toronto • Ontario • M5X 1C9

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105 Consumers Drive - Unit 2, • Whitby • Ontario • L1N 1C4

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Law Society of Ontario
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UJA Federation of Greater Toronto
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Law Association Simcoe County
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