Adult children of divorced parents often wonder how their marriages will hold up; after all, they may have gone without an example of an intact, mature marriage. Statistically, you are a bit more likely to end up in a Mississauga divorce lawyer’s office than others—but that doesn’t mean your marriage is doomed. Unfortunately, many children of divorced parents are overly committed to making their marriages work and they often miss red flags that should tell them to call a Mississauga divorce lawyer.
The Effect of Broken Families
Since statistics suggest that people with divorced parents are more likely to divorce themselves, many people overcompensate. They’ll ignore vital warning signs that a marriage is failing, and many often deny that they’re even in trouble. In some cases, people will stick with a partner even to their own detriment—and the marriage becomes more difficult and painful than a divorce could ever be. It’s natural to want to avoid divorce, but sometimes the price of staying in an unhappy marriage is too high.
Unacceptable Behaviours and Red Flags
If your spouse is treating you in a way that makes you uncomfortable or that makes you feel that you deserve better, it might be in your best interests to talk to a Mississauga divorce lawyer. Generally, it’s a good idea to talk to your spouse and see if he or she is willing to work on the relationship with you or to seek counseling. However, if your spouse isn’t willing to make the necessary adjustments after you’ve given every effort, staying in the marriage might be more emotionally harmful to you than moving on.
Doing What’s Right for You
While it’s commendable that you want your marriage to succeed, it’s not successful if you aren’t happy. Talking to a Mississauga divorce lawyer might seem like a big step, but it might help you gain perspective and determine whether you’re staying married simply because your parents divorced or because it has the potential to be a successful partnership.
What Your Mississauga Divorce Lawyer Might Say
Only your Mississauga divorce lawyer can give you legal advice that matches your unique situation. If you choose to talk to a lawyer, you’re not committing to a divorce; instead, you’re exploring all your options to make the best possible decision. Your Mississauga divorce lawyer may ask you to give yourself honest answers about why you’re staying married if you’re unhappy. He or she might also recommend that you and your spouse seek counseling if you’re both willing. Your lawyer will also tell you what to expect in regards to child custody, property division and more.
The fact that your parents split doesn’t mean you and your spouse are doomed. It does mean that you need to watch for the same pitfalls that affected their marriage. It also means that you need to examine whether your own marriage is happy (or whether it has the potential to become happy), and if it’s not, whether you’re staying with your spouse because of your parents’ divorce.