Many married couples wrestle with tough decisions—including whether or not they should stay together, despite wanting to split up, for their kids’ benefit. While you’re the only one who can decide what’s right in your situation, discussing your options with a Mississauga divorce lawyer might help you gain perspective.
Fighting, Separation or Divorce: What’s Best for the Kids?
Constant fighting might be more harmful to kids, regardless of their age, than separation or divorce. Psychologists suggest that divorce can actually be a relief to kids whose parents fight often.
If divorce isn’t feasible in your situation, it’s best to put a lid on the fighting (at least around the kids) and try to make things work. Research points to trends like an increase in binge drinking, smoking and poor school grades among kids whose parents fight frequently. Sometimes talking to a counsellor or therapist can help a marriage reverse direction if both individuals are willing to put forth a fair amount of effort.
Factors in Your Decision
When you sit down with a Mississauga divorce lawyer, he or she will probably ask you several questions. Answer each as honestly and completely as possible so your lawyer can get an accurate snapshot of your situation. Once your Mississauga divorce lawyer knows where you’re coming from, he or she can provide you with a few possible scenarios—including whether divorce is a good option for you.
Talking to a Mississauga divorce lawyer doesn’t commit you to getting a divorce. Instead, it will help you make the right decision for your family. You’ll probably have a lot to think about after meeting with your lawyer, including:
- What is your relationship, in its current state, teaching your kids about marriage and emotional health?
- What will your relationship be like in a year? In five years? In ten?
- What consequences would you face for leaving?
Sometimes leaving is the best choice, simply because it provides relief from the tensions you face in your marriage every day. However, you’ll also need to consider:
- whether you can financially support yourself and your kids without your spouse
- whether your kids will have to move to another school or district
- how you will divide your marital assets if you leave
After You’ve Made Your Decision
If you’ve decided that ending your marriage is best for you and for your kids, call your Mississauga divorce lawyer to find out what your next steps should be. He or she can give you advice based on your unique situation. Conversely, if you decide to work things out with your spouse, ask your Mississauga divorce lawyer if he or she knows a local counsellor or therapist specializing in marital issues.