Divorce is one of the most difficult life events you’ll ever face – and during the process, you’ll likely experience a lot of stress. You’ll be busy conducting your normal day-to-day activities, but you’ll also need to make accommodations for court dates, meetings with your Mississauga divorce lawyer and other situations that arise because of your divorce.
How you handle stress affects your health, your mood and your family. So how do you decompress and handle it the right way during the most stressful time of your life?
Combating Stress: Five Decompression Tips
There’s no way to get around the stress of a divorce, but you can make it easier to deal with by making the right choices during this tough time.
1. Steer clear of carbs, caffeine and alcohol. During your divorce, you might feel like you’re always on the go – but cruising through the drive-through on the way to meet your Mississauga divorce lawyer is a big mistake. Fast food often triggers insulin surges that result in a “crash” later, and it’s often difficult to rebound without caffeine or worse, more fast food.
2. Move your body.
Exercise isn’t just good for your body; it’s also good for your brain. Your brain releases endorphins during exercise, which make you feel happier, while your body can shed excess nervous energy during a workout.
3. Get some Zs.
Your brain is going a thousand miles a minute when you’re awake (What will my ex say about this? When is my next court date? Did I tell my Mississauga divorce lawyer about that?), and its only opportunity to recharge is during sleep. Like a cell phone, your brain needs to shut down and recharge every night in order to work properly the next day.
4. Slow down.
Trying to get everything done by the end of every day is the fastest way to burn yourself out – but as your Mississauga divorce lawyer can tell you, you’ll be better off leaving a few tasks unfinished than you will be if you’re overextended.
5. Establish new goals and allow them to encourage you.
During your divorce, it’s important to establish new goals – whether they involve finances, physical fitness or personal growth – and allow yourself to celebrate milestones along the way. This can increase your feelings of self-worth and self-esteem, which in turn, help you reduce the stress of divorce.
What if Your Mississauga Divorce Lawyer Recommends Therapy?
Your Mississauga divorce lawyer has seen several cases similar to yours, and he or she may recommend that you find a counselor or family therapist to help you and your family cope with the stresses of divorce. If your lawyer suggests that you work with a counselor or therapist, don’t hesitate to ask for a referral; your Mississauga divorce lawyer may have connections to extremely qualified counselors and therapists in your area.