Results-Oriented Toronto Divorce Lawyers Serving Six Offices throughout Toronto and the Golden Horseshoe Region
For many individuals, getting a divorce is a stressful and daunting experience. People going through a break-up are going through one of the hardest, if not the hardest, times in their lives. Furthermore, divorce may have important implications for issues such as possession of the matrimonial home and the ability to remain a beneficiary to your spouse’s health plan or other employee benefits. For these reasons, it is important to obtain experienced legal counsel to ensure your rights are protected throughout the divorce process.
At Gelman & Associates, our Toronto divorce lawyers provide effective legal representation during separation and divorce, tailored to the individual needs of the client. Our lawyers are passionate and understanding when representing our clients, but also tough when necessary. First and foremost, our firm strives to provide a customer-centred approach to the practice of family law. Our focus is not only on exceptional legal counsel but also a positive customer service experience from the moment you contact our offices. In keeping with this goal, we ensure our clients have all the information and resources necessary to make educated decisions throughout the separation and divorce process.
The Difference Between Separation and Divorce
A common misconception is that the words “divorce” and “separation” can be used interchangeably in family law. In reality, the two terms have very different legal meanings.
A divorce is a change in a person’s legal status, from married to single, which must be granted by a Court. However, a divorce does not deal with child access and custody, child support, spousal support, division of property and all other corollary issues that may need to be addressed by a couple in addition to obtaining a divorce.
Unlike divorce, a separation means that a couple is living separate and apart despite remaining legally married. In such circumstances, a couple should ideally enter into a separation agreement in order to resolve issues such as property division, support payments as well as child custody and access arrangements.
Contact Our Toronto Divorce Lawyers
At Gelman & Associates, our diverse group of experienced divorce lawyers strives to provide clients with the information they require to make educated decisions. In addition to the extensive web-based resources available to our clients, all prospective clients are given a comprehensive family law kit during their initial consultation, with ample information and resources to help individuals understand and navigate the separation and divorce process. We also offer our clients a free consultation with a psychological professional. In order to be accessible to clients and prospective clients, our phone lines are open Monday to Friday from 8 AM to 8 PM. Call us at (416) 736-0200 or 1-844-736-0200 or contact us online for an initial consultation.
What is the difference between a contested divorce and an uncontested divorce?
A contested divorce occurs when spouses are disputing issues related to the separation or divorce. These issues may be spousal support, child support, property issues, and child custody and access. An uncontested divorce occurs when issues related to the separation have been settled before a court application requesting a divorce has been started.
What happens to our house once we get divorced?
Once you get a divorce, your house can either be sold, or you or your spouse can agree that the other will purchase the other spouse’s share of the property. Keep in mind that after transferring your legal interest in the property to your spouse, you should ensure that your name is also removed from any mortgage on the property.
What is financial disclosure?
Financial disclosure is the process where you and your spouse agree to exchange all information about your assets, debts, and income with each other. For example, this is required when asking a lawyer about legal advice on child support, spousal support, and property issues.