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Forward-Thinking Family Law Lawyers Representing Clients During Separation

Unlike divorce, a separation simply means that a couple is living separate and apart despite remaining legally married. It’s important to note that a couple can also be considered separated despite living under the same roof. For many individuals, this is an upsetting and confusing period in their lives. Adding further stress to the process, the decisions made during a couple’s separation may have important implications for property division, child access and custody, spousal support, and child support. For these reasons, it is beneficial to receive legal advice early in the process of separation, in order to ensure you understand and protect your legal rights.

Serving six offices throughout Aurora, Barrie, Downtown Toronto, Mississauga, North York and Scarborough, the lawyers at Gelman & Associates have extensive experience representing clients throughout the process of separation and divorce. Our diverse group of lawyers has a reputation for compassion, efficiency and toughness if needed when representing our clients. Our firm’s priority is to enable clients to make educated decisions by providing them with the information and resources required. Our family law lawyers strive to provide not only excellent legal counsel but also a positive customer service experience throughout a difficult transition period.

Pro Tip

It’s always recommended to avoid having heated arguments or discussing the details of your separation in the presence of your kids. Moreover, using your children as messengers between your and your spouse is never a good idea.


Protecting Your Rights During Separation

A separation agreement is a legally binding contract created between two partners, subsequent to their separation. This contract sets out each party’s rights on issues such as:

A separation agreement drawn up by experienced family law lawyers will help to ensure your rights are protected during separation. Entering into such an agreement is an efficient and effective way to outline the terms of your separation and avoid confusion and headache later on down the road. To ensure the validity of a separation agreement, both parties in a relationship should seek independent legal advice.

Working with an experienced family law lawyer to draft a separation agreement is the best way to ensure that your rights are protected. At Gelman & Associates, our lawyers have decades of collective experience drafting separation agreements and aggressively litigating separation disputes.

  • Nature of Separation

    • A separation doesn’t require any form of document or court order.
    • It legally does not end a marriage; both parties can’t remarry.
    • It applies to all married or common-law couples whose relationship has broken down.

  • Nature of Divorce

    • A divorce requires a court order to go into effect.
    • It legally dissolves a marriage; both parties can remarry.
    • It applies to married couples only.

Contact Our Family Lawyers at one of Our Six Offices throughout Aurora, Barrie, Downtown Toronto, Mississauga, North York and Scarborough

Contact Gelman & Associates to learn how a separation agreement drawn up by experienced family law lawyers protects your rights and assets. Our knowledgeable, results-oriented, lawyers seek to empower clients to make informed decisions during the separation process.

In addition to our firm’s handbook on separation and divorce and numerous web-based resources, all prospective clients are given a comprehensive family law kit during their initial consultation, with ample information and resources to help indivduals understand and navigate the separation and divorce process. We also offer our clients a free consultation with a psychological professional if required. In order to be accessible to clients and prospective clients, our phone lines are open Monday to Friday from 8 AM to 8 PM. Call us at (416) 736-0200 or 1-844-736-0200 or contact us online for an initial consultation.

FAQ’s Separation

FAQ: SEPARATION service page

Yes, spouses can draft a separation agreement without the aid of a lawyer. However, getting legal advice is recommended so that you truly understand all the conditions in the agreement you have made with your partner.

Yes, it is possible to change the initial terms of a separation agreement if you and your spouse agree to the changes and sign a written agreement to change the terms. If your spouse does not agree to change the terms, you can make a court application to change the separation agreement.

There are a lot of factors that the court considers in determining the custody of the child, which includes the jobs and the time spent by the parent with the child. In addition, the court will review the role that each parent has had in the child’s life.

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