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Toronto Family Law Lawyers

Family law problems are sometimes complicated, sensitive, and cruel, including the parties’ interests and their children, extended family members, family enterprises, and financial holdings. Going through a separation or divorce, for example, might be one of the most trying moments of your life. When children are involved, this is especially true. When these difficulties emerge, a Toronto divorce lawyer has the knowledge, expertise, and compassion to defend your rights, fight for you, and help you reach a permanent settlement.

Family Law in Toronto

Family law refers to the body of law that governs family ties, such as marriage and divorce, child custody, and related economic issues. Family cases are a form of civil lawsuit in which matters between or involving spouses, parents, and children are addressed. Family courts deal with a wide range of domestic-related problems. 

For the vast majority of Canadians, family law controls their relationships with their spouses as well as their children. Other concerns, such as adoption and marital property disputes, are handled by province laws that vary greatly. The divorce rate grows in tandem with the number of same-sex marriages and common-law unions. 

As a result, there have been heated arguments over the future of family law, as well as judicial challenges and provincial legislative reforms.

Cases Under the Family Law in the Provinces and Territories

The following are the most prevalent forms of family law cases in Canada’s provinces and territories:


Marriage rituals are controlled by provincial legislation, while Parliament has authority over marriage-related issues such as the age at which individuals can marry, regulations prohibiting marriage between particular persons, and divorce.


Marriages can be cancelled for various reasons, including one party’s age, bigamy (marrying more than one person), a faulty ceremony, duress, mental incompetence, or failure to complete the marriage due to a physical or mental disability.

Separation and Divorce

Separation is a legally acknowledged separation or an agreed-upon termination to cohabitation that can be used as grounds for divorce. Divorce was controlled by pre-Confederation provincial statutes and inherited English legislation until the federal Divorce Act of 1968. To make an educated decision, you should seek legal advice in both instances. 


Following a divorce, federal law governs spousal and child support, while provincial law governs all other maintenance arrangements. All spouses, parents, children (who may be required to support dependent parents), and child guardians are legally required to support dependents.

Matrimonial Property

The notion of property separation was first established in the 1890s by the Married Women’s Property Acts. Although legal activities between husband and wife were still prohibited in some regions, this provided wives contractual and tortious rights and duties.

Child Custody

Young children are not required to be left in the custody of their mothers by law. However, when both parents work full-time, the father is increasingly obtaining custody. Although the courts use some common sense, they are often hesitant to disrupt the status quo if things are going well at home, and they are often hesitant to separate siblings. 

Common Things a Family Lawyer Can Do For You

A family law attorney may assist you in your legal case in a variety of ways. However, the following are the primary methods:

Handling Divorce Issues

An expert family law attorney can act as a mediator and guide them through the process in a reasonable and legal manner. Consequently, a divorce lawyer in Toronto can help divorcing couples achieve an amicable agreement without having to go to court.

Handling Estates and Wills

A will is a legal document in which people express their wishes for how their assets should be handled when they pass away. Lawyers that specialize in family law are in charge of aiding clients with the preparation of these documents. They can also make sure that a deceased person’s estate is handled according to his or her wishes.

Handling Child Custody Agreements

Child custody is determined through a contract in which both parents must abide by the conditions. A family lawyer in Toronto can help parents who are divorcing write such a contract. Then, if necessary, a family law attorney can assist parents in modifying child custody arrangements.

Handling Prenuptial Agreements

A prenuptial contract is an agreement that a couple signs before getting married or entering a civil union. A skilled family lawyer can assist a couple in drafting a prenuptial agreement and dealing with any legal difficulties that may arise.

Represent Litigants in Court

Even though family attorneys can assist clients in resolving family conflicts outside of court, some of these cases still wind up in court. In this situation, family attorneys are most prepared to assist plaintiffs in obtaining justice. A family lawyer has the legal expertise and practical experience to help plaintiffs navigate the intricate jungles of family law and achieve justice.  

Things to Look For When Hiring A Family Law Lawyer in Toronto

Choose an Attorney with Local Court Experience
In addition to choosing a qualified lawyer in family law, you should search for an attorney with local court experience. Local ties and contacts may go a long way while defending a family charge, and this component of choosing the proper counsel is frequently ignored. 

Not only does each court follow its own set of rules, but each judge follows his or her own set of rules as well. Knowing the ins and outs of the court you’ll be facing can aid you in developing a winning strategy for your case.

Test Their Enthusiasm 
Some lawyers put in more effort than others. A lawyer who performs a comprehensive inquiry is essential. When it comes to deciding whether to go to trial or accept a settlement, the appropriate attorney will be able to explain why they believe one option is better than the other. 

Look for someone who is enthusiastic while looking for an attorney. While your lawyer should have a lot of experience, the amount of years on the job isn’t everything. The appropriate lawyer has a genuine passion for what they do, and they must be ready to take your case on.

Look for a Simple Fee Structure
The most outstanding family attorney does not want their charge to be confusing. Instead, they’ll explain how they charge in plain English and give you an idea of what to expect in terms of service fees and the entire cost of your case. The cheapest lawyer isn’t necessarily the best. Instead, you should inquire about their services and ensure that your lawyer is capable of building a solid case.
Family Law is a specialty of the right attorney
Although they are not required to practice family law specifically, the proper attorney should at the very least be familiar with it. If you can’t find anything regarding family law or divorce on the attorney’s website, they’re probably not an appropriate fit for your case. The practice of law is exactly what it sounds like, practice. To stay up to speed on the complexities of this sort of law and the most beneficial potential outcome, your attorney has to be involved in family law on a regular basis.
Request Referrals
One of the most excellent methods to discover the proper lawyer for you is to ask your friends and family for recommendations. Those who have firsthand experience with how an attorney works can provide insight into how they will manage your case.


Pro Tip

“In the event that you have a family law matter that requires a rational approach, you should consult with experienced family law lawyers.”


Book a Consultation with Family Lawyers from Gelman & Associates

We are available to assist you whenever you want the services of a family lawyer. Gelman & Associates can help you safeguard your rights and assets during a separation, divorce, or any other family law case. For a private introductory consultation, call (844) 769-0737 or 1-844-769-0737. 

Toronto Family Law Lawyer FAQs

Toronto Family Law Lawyer

In Canada, family attorneys provide a wide range of services. Family court lawyers assist clients in a range of cases, including custody issues, parental rights, separation, divorce, child and spousal support, throughout trials and litigation.

Family cases are a form of a civil lawsuit in which matters between or involving spouses, parents, and children are addressed. Family courts deal with a wide range of domestic-related problems.

Yes, it is different. Family law problems are addressed mainly by provincial laws in Ontario. Divorce law, on the other hand, is controlled by federal legislation in the form of the Divorce Act, which applies uniformly across the country.

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