Most people going through divorce experience extreme stress, emotional pain and mental anguish – and unfortunately, many don’t know what to do about it. The good news: researchers (and famous musicians like Sir Paul McCartney) believe that music can help heal both psychological and physical pain. So the next time you’re heading to your Toronto divorce lawyer’s office, find your favorite station and enjoy!
Psychologically Speaking: Music for Decompression
Music can be used “to promote, maintain and restore mental, physical, emotional and spiritual health,” according to the Canadian Association for Music Therapy. In fact, music can reach parts of the brain that few other things can.
“Nothing activates the brain so extensively as music,” said Dr. Oliver Sacks, a neurology professor atColumbiaUniversityinNew Yorkduring an interview with ABC News.
ManyTorontodivorce lawyers actively search for ways to help their clients feel better about the process of divorce. If your lawyer suggests that you relax a bit, perhaps tuning in will help you tune out the stress of your divorce.
Music can also help you relax – and when you’re experiencing unpleasant physical symptoms, like a stomach ache from stress or a headache from nervousness about meeting your spouse and your Toronto divorce lawyers, a slow ballad can lull your body into a more peaceful (and less painful) rhythm. Strangely enough, doctors have even discovered that music can relax people so much that they can sleep through brain surgery.
All Shook Up: A Beatle’s Headache
Even former British Invasion heartthrob Paul McCartney says music can heal, citing a time that playing Elvis Presley’s “All Shook Up” cured his headache. According to McCartney, he and a friend played the song while he was suffering from a bad headache; by the time the record ended, his head felt fine.
While there hasn’t been significant research on whether music can relieve physical symptoms, it does do things like distract you from unpleasant experiences; think about a time you were on hold over the telephone and music was being piped through the headset. Provided you didn’t hate the songs played, the 10, 20 or 30 minutes you spent on hold didn’t seem quite that long, did they?
Stressing Out: How to Find the Right Music to Relax
Experts generally suggest that you listen to your favorite bands while you’re trying to relax. Research from the brain surgery study showed that purely melodic music – that which doesn’t have a discernible rhythm – caused the most significant changes in brain activity.
If yourTorontodivorce lawyer hasn’t mentioned the healing power of music, share the knowledge. Your lawyer could probably benefit from adding a little melody between appointments, meetings and courtroom appearances just like you can.