After your Barrie divorce lawyer has helped you to obtain your divorce, you might be eager to test the waters in the dating pool. But are you really ready? There are several ways to tell whether it’s time to get back on the dating scene or if you need a little more time for personal …
Read MoreYou’re single now, so why not have a little fun? Your North York divorce lawyer has helped you obtain your divorce, your ex is off doing his or her own thing, and you’re getting restless. Whether you were married for decades or just did a short tour of duty, you’re entitled to enjoy the benefits …
Read MoreWhen you find yourself talking to a Toronto divorce lawyer about what ended your marriage, what will you say? That your spouse was self-absorbed, vain and selfish? Many people would call that an accurate description of their exes—but when is it considered a real personality disorder, and when is it just a case of your …
Read MoreWhen your spouse cheats, it’s devastating. Some people know they’ll never forgive their spouses for having an affair; they often end up sitting in a Richmond Hill divorce lawyer’s office preparing to end their marriages. Could You Forgive a Cheating Spouse? Hopefully you’ll never need to answer that question. However, it doesn’t hurt to consider …
Read More* Please consult with your Toronto divorce lawyer before making any decisions regarding your ring. When you decide to take off your wedding ring for the last time, what will you do with it? Will you sell it, have it melted down and made into something else (like a Monopoly counter or little gold pig …
Read MoreDivorce causes upheaval for the whole family, not just the adults. Kids are particularly prone to experiencing stress from divorce, and as a parent, you want to do everything in your power to help them cope. Almost inevitably, one parent leaves the marital home and starts a new life—and kids have to travel back and …
Read MoreWatching a friend or family member go through a divorce is tough. Divorce involves grief, anger, hurt and sometimes even depression, and while your first reaction may be anger at the soon-to-be ex-spouse, you’ll need to pull yourself together so you can support your loved one (friend or family member) through this difficult time. Your …
Read MoreOnce you have been granted a divorce, is it appropriate to maintain relationships with members of your ex’s family? If it is, how do you have to change the dynamics? These are common questions, and most people would agree that the answers depend on your comfort level, how well you get along with your ex, …
Read MoreThere are many reasons you may choose to live in the same house as your ex during divorce. You may wish to continue sharing resources and save money so you can be more successful when you venture out on your own, or you may have other, more personal reasons. If you choose to continue living …
Read MoreWhen you start talking to a Mississauga divorce lawyer about dissolving your marriage, you may realize the loneliness you felt during your marriage is growing. Don’t worry—that’s completely normal. People generally begin bouncing back soon after their Mississauga divorce lawyer hands them a Certificate of Divorce. Loneliness during Your Divorce Feelings of loneliness are common …
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