Getting married after your Barrie divorce lawyer has handed over your divorce certificate presents a unique set of challenges. You may bring emotional lessons learned from your previous marriage (and so may your new spouse), different financial circumstances and backgrounds play a role, and you or your new spouse may have kids. Nearly half of …
Read MoreDuring your divorce, your financial circumstances will probably change. Many people choose to move in with parents or friends when they separate from their spouse – either to save money or to have access to supportive people (or both). If you intend to move in with your parents or with friends, let your Mississauga divorce …
Read MoreMarriage counselling and therapy can stop a divorce in its tracks – but is it the right choice for you? Even if you’ve already spoken with a North York divorce lawyer, you may be considering it. Naturally, you’ll need to let your North York divorce lawyer know if you intend to put your divorce on …
Read MoreParents are busier than ever – especially single parents. Once your Toronto divorce lawyer has filed your paperwork and you’re on your own, you may feel a little overwhelmed in the parenting department. With jam-packed schedules, kids who are feeling the pressure from your divorce and big adjustments for the whole family, many parents turn …
Read MoreParental alienation causes long-lasting, and sometimes permanent, damage between parents and kids. Typically, parental alienation occurs when one parent deliberately or unintentionally takes actions that create emotional distance between a child and the other parent. If you think you or your child are falling victim to parental alienation during or after your divorce, let your …
Read MoreDuring divorce, it’s not uncommon for kids to resent one or both parents. This often results in a reluctance to visit the non-custodial parent, which can cause hurt, anger and resentment to continue to build. If this sounds like a familiar scenario, contact your Toronto divorce lawyer and ask him or her to refer you …
Read MoreAny Barrie divorce lawyer can tell you that kids are as much a part of divorce as the adults involved. Unfortunately, children of all ages generally lack the emotional maturity to handle and relieve stress that adults have learned. They need to draw on the strengths of both parents in order to cope with their …
Read MoreSubstance abuse is a growing problem in Canada. While it hasn’t yet reached epidemic proportions, it’s on a steady upswing that’s responsible for destroying marriages and family relationships all over the country. Many North York divorce lawyers report working more frequently with clients affected by substance abuse (in some form or another) than ever before. …
Read MoreWhile you were married, you parented together – but now that you’re separated or divorced, how are you supposed to tackle tough issues like discipline? Many parents struggle to find a balance between their new lives apart and the proper discipline of children, and the issue becomes more complex when former spouses disagree on child-rearing. …
Read MoreNow that your Richmond Hill divorce lawyer has handed you some paperwork that will officially dissolve your marriage, you might have the itch to get away on your own for some much-needed rest and relaxation. You’ve spent years – maybe decades – travelling with your spouse and kids. Are you ready to travel solo? Travelling …
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