An Ontario court recently dismissed a claim that a father claimed against the mother of his child, claiming that he was a victim of sexual DNA theft. What Happened? The parties met at a music festival, where they were both working. The mother was 38 years old at the time, and the father was 23 …
Read MoreThe British Columbia Supreme Court recently ruled that a man who was misled into believing he was the biological father of a child does not owe any continued child support for that child even though he was found to have assumed the role of a parent during the early years of the child’s life. The …
Read MoreThe basic principles of child support with respect to a biological parent’s obligation to pay are relatively straight-forward: the non-custodial parent is obligated to pay child support to the custodial parent in an amount determined by a formula. Issues of custody (shared, sole, etc.) and issues surrounding the financial needs and means of the parties are often …
Read More“Doctor sues gay friend for child support, 16 years after he first donated sperm to her” This eye-catching headline appeared recently in a national newspaper. The article, written by Ashley Csanady, explores the unique facts of this case, and questions whether Bill 28, the All Families are Equal Act, might help protect sperm donors, such as …
Read MoreWhether you’re the recipient or payor of child support, you may be wondering how child support orders are enforced in Ontario. Non-payment of a child support order in Ontario is dealt with by the Family Responsibility Office – FRO. [The FRO] collects, distributes and enforces child and spousal support payments. [It] work[s] to flow payments …
Read MoreIt’s not uncommon for a parent to seek to impute income to other parent for the purposes of support calculations, especially if they suspect he or she is intentionally under-employed. In a recent decision of the Ontario Court of Justice (Charron v. Carriere), the Court imputed income to both the father and the mother, finding that …
Read MoreIt’s not uncommon for an individual who is obligated to pay spousal support to want to reduce or eliminate that obligation after he or she has entered into a new relationship. This is especially true if financial responsibility for that new, or “second” family arises. Does a Second Family Impact Entitlement or Quantum of Support …
Read MoreOnce child support has been determined and your divorce finalized, few would want to revisit the process. However, from time to time one or both ex-spouses may need to re-negotiate the original terms of child support due to some material change in circumstance. Such a change is never easy for either parent and it may …
Read MoreIt’s not uncommon after a divorce to be living within different means. The standard of living to which you had become accustom may not exist anymore, and belts may need to be tightened. Early on in the new school year is budget time – school and extra curricular activities for your child/ren will need to …
Read MoreFinancial Disclosure and Child Support Every parent has a legal duty to support their dependent children to the best of their ability. That’s why financial disclosure and child support are so intimately connected. After the breakdown of a marriage and as parents begin to go their separate ways, custody and access issues must be determined …
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