Spousal support can have a large impact on your finances after you and your partner part ways. Spousal support is money paid by one spouse to another spouse after they separate or divorce. This payment is separate from any child support payment that may be required. The amount of money to be paid, and by …
Read MoreWe spoke with Paul Slan, family lawyer and Director of Professional Development at Gelman & Associates, about spousal support in Ontario. Please note that the following is not intended to be taken as legal advice, but rather as a general overview on a legal topic. If you are seeking legal advice regarding a spousal support …
Read MoreSpousal support is a monetary payment that one spouse may be ordered to pay the other for their financial support at the end of a marriage or relationship involving long-term cohabitation. The payment may be either a lump sum or periodic payments and it is generally sought by the lower-earning spouse – although it is …
Read MoreOne of the reasons people may incorporate a company is to shield themselves from personal liability should the company be sued or go bankrupt. This protection that shields the owner of a company is known as the “corporate veil.” “Lifting” or “piercing” the corporate veil can be difficult to do, but as we see in …
Read MoreFamily law can be a difficult enough world to navigate in the best of times. When other areas of law enter the picture, things can become even more complicated. Oftentimes people may go through a separation or divorce and receive an order dictating how their property will be divided after the relationship ends. However, as …
Read MoreWhat constitutes a “material change in circumstances” when it comes to a party’s request to terminate spousal support? In a recent case, the Ontario Court of Appeal considered this very question and was asked to determine whether the trial judge erred in terminating spousal support. The Husband’s Decision to Retire The parties were married for …
Read MoreSpousal support can have a large impact on your finances after you and your partner part ways. Spousal support is money paid by one spouse to another spouse after they separate or divorce. This payment is separate from any child support payment that may be required. The amount of money to be paid, and by …
Read MoreWe spoke with Paul Slan, family lawyer and Director of Professional Development at Gelman & Associates, about spousal support in Ontario. Please note that the following is not intended to be taken as legal advice, but rather as a general overview on a legal topic. If you are seeking legal advice regarding a spousal support …
Read MoreSpousal support is a monetary payment that one spouse may be ordered to pay the other for their financial support at the end of a marriage or relationship involving long-term cohabitation. The payment may be either a lump sum or periodic payments and it is generally sought by the lower-earning spouse – although it is …
Read MoreOne of the reasons people may incorporate a company is to shield themselves from personal liability should the company be sued or go bankrupt. This protection that shields the owner of a company is known as the “corporate veil.” “Lifting” or “piercing” the corporate veil can be difficult to do, but as we see in …
Read MoreFamily law can be a difficult enough world to navigate in the best of times. When other areas of law enter the picture, things can become even more complicated. Oftentimes people may go through a separation or divorce and receive an order dictating how their property will be divided after the relationship ends. However, as …
Read MoreWhat constitutes a “material change in circumstances” when it comes to a party’s request to terminate spousal support? In a recent case, the Ontario Court of Appeal considered this very question and was asked to determine whether the trial judge erred in terminating spousal support. The Husband’s Decision to Retire The parties were married for …
Read MoreThe courts have the discretion to decide whether or not to award interim disbursements to a party in a family law proceeding. Sometimes, as in this recent Ontario case, the court will award one party interim disbursements to pay for various expenses related to litigation, such as the cost of legal fees, business valuation reports …
Read MoreSomething you may often hear about in legal circles is limitation periods, which simply put, are the time limits required to bring an action in court. While many things related to family law that people may wish to settle in court are subject to limitation periods, spousal support is not. But that’s not to say …
Read MoreThe obligation to pay spousal support is not always one that is easily accepted by the paying party. In fact, we’ve covered many situations in our blog where the paying party has tried to escape this obligation through means such as early retirement or underemployment. As a result, even if someone is legitimately expecting to …
Read MoreIn a recent case, an Ontario court considered the interesting question of how much spousal support should be awarded to a wife whose husband earned approximately $2,090,000 per year. The Parties’ Story The parties began to cohabit in December 2001, married in June 2006 and separated in May 2017. While the husband was a very …
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