Sole custody is where one parent has custody of the child. Custody is the right to make the important decisions about the care and upbringing of a child. Custody normally includes the physical care, control and upbringing of the child but does not only mean that the child resides only with the custodial parent. If …
Read MoreNavigating the courts in Ontario can be a complex process. This guide offers some insight into divorce procedures in Ontario. With the possible exception of the court papers required to obtain an absolute divorce, the procedure for drafting, filing and serving most other litigation documents is extremely complex and fraught with legal peril to be …
Read MoreIt is no surprise that a hard-fought custody battle between two parents can become unfriendly, at best. One of the small ironies of this is that it is rarely the big, life-altering issues that cause the greatest amount of conflict. Parents are more likely to argue over where they will meet to exchange the child/ren or whether one can …
Read MoreDoes my child get to live where he wants? Depending on both the quality of your family relationships and the degree of court or other third-party involvement with your marital separation, the complicated answers to that straightforward question can be “yes” or “not necessarily”. When is the answer “yes, the child gets to decide”? In …
Read MoreHelpful Books on Divorce Here is a selection of books many of our clients have found helpful. Life after Divorce: Create a New Beginning By: Sharon Wegscheider-Cruse Rebuilding: When your Relationship Ends By: Bruce Fisher, Robert E. Alberti Getting Up, Getting Over, Getting On: A Twelve Step Guide to Divorce Recovery By: Micki McWade The …
Read MoreGetting a divorce can be a tough decision to make. The divorce process can be complex and emotionally draining work that could take weeks, even months, to settle. But a family court may help settle any disputes between a married couple during a divorce. However, there are a lot of things to consider before going …
Read MoreDivorce in Ontario is the easiest part, from a legal perspective, to the end of a marriage. The issues of property, support or children are corollary to divorce and are ordinarily resolved in advance of the granting of divorce. There is only one ground for divorce. This is marriage breakdown. Marriage breakdown can be shown …
Read MoreUnder the Federal Statute, the Divorce Act, divorce may be granted in Canada on only one ground: marriage breakdown. Marriage breakdown can be proved by one year of separation, adultery or cruelty. It is more difficult to get a divorce based on adultery or cruelty, as your spouse may oppose it, making the whole process …
Read MoreIn order to change your child’s last name, you will have to be the child’s parent with legal custody or be the legal guardian of the child. In order to change the child’s last name, you will have to provide notice to anyone who has legal access to the child, even if you have sole …
Read MoreIt is best to have a lawyer with you to help you navigate the court system. Issues of property, support, custody and access can be very complicated. If you cannot afford a lawyer, you can get legal help at the court from duty counsel. Duty counsel is a lawyer paid by Legal Aid Ontario who …
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