Under the Federal Statute, the Divorce Act, divorce may be granted in Canada on only one ground: marriage breakdown. Marriage breakdown can be proved by one year of separation, adultery or cruelty. It is more difficult to get a divorce based on adultery or cruelty, as your spouse may oppose it, making the whole process …
Read MoreHow to get through Divorce in Ontario No matter who initiates a divorce and whether or not you see it coming the process is always very difficult. By having an understanding of what goes on in a divorce and of what you can do to help reach the desired outcome, the process can be made …
Read MoreThe Price of Divorce There are different types of fees to consider when seeking a divorce. You will have take into account lawyer fees, court fees, government fees as well as any additional amounts for filing court documents. Lawyer Fees The exact lawyer fee will vary with the services you require. Most law firms, including ours, …
Read MoreHaving a lawyer represent you in your divorce or other matrimonial proceeding is helpful in many ways and for many reasons. Although it is not required, having a Toronto divorce lawyer will make the process much easier for you. Since property settlements can be very complicated, a lawyer can help you decide which of your …
Read MoreListening to your Family Law Expert might be your best move Divorce is often described as a “lose-lose” proposition. Although it can be difficult and emotional, divorce can help you make the best of a bad situation. To do so, you must be aware of the impact of your decisions. Talk to a Family Law …
Read MoreMaking sense of Family Law Disputes when using Arbitrators or Lawyers Arbitration, whether as an adjunct to mediation or on its own, has become an extremely popular method of resolving family law disputes. Senior members of the bar, retired judges and mental health professionals all advertise themselves as family law arbitrators. To date, the training …
Read MoreWhat’s the difference between a Family Law Case and other settlements? An oft-quoted statistic claims that 95% of family law cases settle. If that is true, it is lawyers and clients who are resolving matters between themselves and not resorting to judicial determinations. What implications does this have for the practice and, more specifically, the …
Read MoreA Good family mediator can go a long way in your case Family law has long been receptive to alternate dispute resolution, and a family mediator and arbitrator is no exception. The hybrid process of mediation-arbitration begins as mediation. If and when an impasse is reached, the mediation terminates and the arbitration commences. Mediator-arbitrators wear …
Read MoreDispute Resolution in Custody Battles Jennifer Shuber would like to thank Linda Chodos for her assistance in the preparation of these materials, including the careful review of early drafts and the inclusion of commentary on parenting coordination. Clients who seek parenting co-ordination are often considered higher conflict cases, she says. Many people can work out …
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